27 Spiritual Self Care Ideas to Awaken Your Soul
Spiritual health is just one of the eight dimensions of wellness that need your attention if you want to live a truly happy, peaceful, and fulfilling life. In fact, it’s an integral part of your overall wellness; your spirituality is your unique and individual belief system that guides you through life.
Spiritual health makes up your guiding principles and values in life — what’s important to you and the choices you make. So let’s explore some valuable ways to meet your spiritual self care needs and awaken your soul in a way that enriches your life.

What is Spiritual Self Care?
Spiritual self care can be different for different people. It is one of five types of self care that helps ensure that you are living your best life. These types of self care are:
- emotional self-care
- physical self-care
- mental self-care
- social self-care
- spiritual self-care
Spiritual self care includes activities that nurture your spirit and allow you to connect with your inner self. It empowers you to think bigger than just yourself. Your spiritual path helps you take care of the soul and find the right path in life.
Don’t confuse your spiritual belief system with your religious belief. You do not have to attend religious services to discover your spirituality. Religion and spirituality can be two different things but they are usually closely aligned.
Your spiritual journey is how you choose to live your life. How you make decisions about your behavior and the way you treat people. Your spiritual being is connected to your higher self — the one that knows how you truly want to live your life despite outside circumstances.
Your spiritual belief system makes up your moral and ethical value system. It has no boundaries or limitations. It is as individual and unique as you.
Related Article: Spiritual Dimension of Health and Wellness: Hope, Faith, and Love

Why is Spiritual Self Care Important?
Connecting with a higher power is a great emotional self-care practice for your spiritual wellness and emotional health. It helps you develop the spiritual practices and value system that guides you through daily life.
Spiritual self care helps you get in touch with your true self — the person you want to be. A person who has a sense of purpose in life.
Cultivating a strong spiritual life can have many health benefits since your spiritual belief system connects so deeply to all areas of self-care, wellness, and even happiness. Spiritual self-care helps quiet the mind and calm the chaos within while guiding you to honor how your heart wants you to live.
It gives you the courage to do what you know is right for you and your family members. It empowers you release negative energy and replace it with positive energy.
It helps you live life on a deeper level that embraces all that is good. Spiritual self care gives you inner peace and inner strength.
Spiritual self-care can help you:
- Align your mind, body, and soul
- Experience more inner peace
- Gain clarity on what makes you happy
- Improve relationships and connections with others
- Enhance feelings of both individuality and community
- Deepen your relationship with your inner self
- Diminish feelings of isolation and loneliness
- Live in the present moment.

27 Spiritual Self Care Ideas
Now that we have a good understanding of spiritual self care, let’s look at some spiritual self care ideas that you can do on a regular basis to support you spiritual well-being.
1. Use Essential Oils
Using essential oils may help boost your mood, improve sleep, reduce anxiety and pain, relieve headaches, and more. Essential oils are natural plant extracts that are said to have many health benefits. You can diffuse essential oils for aromatherapy or add them to carrier oils for personal care products. Essential oils are used in many ancient self care practices.
2. Write in a Gratitude Journal
Learning to live a life of gratitude is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. It is a significant source of peace and happiness. Using a Daily Gratitude Journal will help you stay focused on the important things in your life. It will also help you process your emotions, improve self-awareness, and express your feelings.
3. Connect with Friends
Connecting with your close friends on a regular basis will help you stay grounded and focused on what’s important in your life. In fact, positive social interaction is important to your overall wellness. You gain meaningful opportunities for laughter, emotional support, and empowerment.
4. Utilize Spiritual Self Care Apps
Utilize apps that are designed to support your spiritual self care. These apps are specifically designed to inspire your spiritual journey and enlighten your soul. They generally offer step-by-step guidance for meditations, mindfulness, relaxation, and inner peace. You can register for a free trial period with most of them to determine which ones your prefer.
5. Create a Self Care Plan
Develop your own self-care plan that includes time for physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual self care activities. You need to designate time in your schedule each day. Too many of us put self-care at the bottom of our priority list so it tends to be neglected.
Make your plan, write it down, and stick to it because it’s important. Go to the Gym, meal prep, schedule your doctor appointments, go for a walk, get together with friends, journal, meditate — put it all on your daily schedule because you are worthy.

6. Volunteer in your Community
Volunteer your time to take care of others in your community. Community engagement is part of a well-balanced lifestyle that will help you feel fulfilled and connected to like-minded people. There are intellectual, social, spiritual, personal growth, and many other benefits to volunteering your time to help others.
7. Eat a healthy diet.
Developing good eating habits will support all dimensions of self-care. Eating 3 meals a day, spending time on meal prep, taking regular lunch breaks, and eating colorful foods are just some habits that can support your self-care efforts. Taking care of your body gives you more time and energy to focus on your spiritual self care and other areas of wellness.
8. Get Grounded
Taking a walk outside in your bare feet is an easy way to get grounded. Grounding is an important part of spiritual self-care that helps you reconnect with your physical body and the energy of the Earth. When you become overwhelmed or anxious, your mind can get chaotic and start racing from one thought to another. This can make it difficult to be present and stay focused on the important things in life.
9. Meditate
Meditation is a form of spiritual self care that dates back thousands of years. It is a way for you to get in touch with yourself and your environment. It can take many forms, from guided visualizations to simple breathing exercises.
The practice of meditation lends itself to improved physical and mental health. Studies have shown that regular meditation helps with increased levels of calm, less stress, and better sleep. Additionally, it has been linked to higher creativity levels and improved concentration. In particular, meditating in the morning can help set the tone for the rest of your day by providing clarity and focus on what matters most.
10. Nurture Your Relationships
Nurture positive relationships with like-minded people and those you value. This can help ensure that you are surrounded with positive energy, love, and understanding. It is also essential for your overall wellbeing because healthy relationships help you feel better about yourself and your circumstances.
Being honest and vulnerable with those around you helps build trust and respect, which strengthens the bonds you have with people in your life.
11. Spend Time with Young Children
Spend time with young children. Children bring out the best in all of us. They help us embrace our innocence and trusting qualities. They also help us remember the value of simple things, laughter, and playfulness.
Develop a daily meditation practice. There are many benefits of meditation such as managing stress, increasing self-awareness, focusing on the present, improving attention span, and getting in touch with your highest self. Meditation is a powerful tool for your spiritual growth.

12. Rest Your Mind
Take time to let your mind rest. By setting aside time for meditation, contemplation, and reflection about your beliefs and values, you can restore balance to your life. It gives you time to look deeper into your thoughts and feelings.
Resting helps you process issues you are dealing with in life and stay grounded. Resting your mind also allows your brain to become refreshed.
13. Practice Yoga
Practicing yoga is an excellent form of spiritual self care. Yoga has been used for centuries to help individuals relax, unwind and reconnect with their inner selves. Its calming movements combine physical exercise with mental contemplation, allowing practitioners to gain strength and clarity in both body and mind.
Yoga techniques have a positive impact on one’s emotional well-being while enhancing focus, relaxation, balance and flexibility. Additionally, regular yoga practice can have countless physical benefits such as improved circulation, increased muscle tone and reduced risk of injury.
14. Find Your Spiritual Community
Connect with a spiritual community that supports your values and beliefs. Connecting with others who share similar values and beliefs can provide a sense of belonging and understanding, helping to nurture emotional wellbeing.
A spiritual community offers a refuge from the stress and uncertainty of daily life, providing an environment where it is possible to explore your own spirituality in safety and discover new ways to care for yourself. Connecting with a spiritual community can help you cultivate peace of mind, build resilience, and find solace within yourself — all essential components of leading a meaningful life.
15. Take Care of your Body
Take care of your physical body through exercise and proper sleep. It’s important to recognize that when you don’t take proper care of your body, it can lead to chaos and disharmony within. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine are two key components to attaining physical health and emotional stability.
Eating whole foods that nourish the body while avoiding processed foods will help one achieve optimal health. Similarly, engaging in some form of daily physical activity — such as walking, running, or cycling — will help increase strength and vitality. Additionally, drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body aiding in its overall functioning.
16. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is an important part of spiritual self care. It helps to bring awareness and connection to the present moment, allowing individuals to focus on their inner world and needs.
Practicing mindfulness has many benefits; it can help one increase their emotional intelligence, foster greater mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall physical health. By actively focusing your attention on the present moment without judgment or criticism, you can create a sense of peacefulness within yourself.
17. Cleanse Your Space
Maintaining a clean and organized living space will help you feel grounded and focused, which are the foundations for deeper spiritual connection. Creating an easy-to-follow cleaning routine and setting aside time to keep your environment in order will enable you to create a peaceful space that encourages relaxation and meditation. A clutter-free atmosphere is key to allowing energy to flow freely throughout the home.
18. Enjoy Inspirational Books
Enjoy inspirational and uplifting reading material as often as possible. Choose your favorite self-help or inspirational authors and keep their books on your night stand. Before bed, spend time reading positive and uplifting thoughts for a bit before you go to sleep. We are all inundated with challenges and chaos in today’s world. Use this time each day to reset your brain and forget about the chaos.

19. Spend Time in Nature
Spending time outdoors is one of the best ways to clear and nurture your mind. Sunshine and fresh air are natural mood boosters. A walk through the forest or along the beach gives you a wonderful opportunity to connect with your soul and achieve inner peace.
20. Unplug from Technology
In this modern era of technology, it can be difficult to take a step back and unplug from our devices. However, unplugging from technology is an important and necessary practice for spiritual self-care.
Taking a break from screens can help you develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions and needs. During this time, you should focus on being mindful and present in the moment. Give your mind a break from the stimulation of electronic devices.
21. Practice Forgiveness
Practicing forgiveness is a way to create space in your mind for healing and to understand how you can move forward in life. Forgiveness can be complicated but also liberating as it helps you learn from your mistakes, develop better relationships with yourself and others, and grow spiritually. Forgiveness helps you move forward from difficult situations by allowing you to be present with your emotions without getting stuck in them.
When you practice forgiveness, you are able to let go of the resentment or hurt that has been caused by someone else’s actions or words. You can recognize the power of offering grace. This process encourages you to develop greater self-awareness and an open heart, which allows you to release anger or sadness while learning important lessons along the way.
22. Enjoy Hobbies
Enjoying hobbies on a regular basis is a great source of comfort and peace. Hobbies give us permission to take some ‘me’ time in our hectic lives. Gardening, painting, crafting, and anything else that brings you joy can help refresh the soul and give you a sense of purpose. It can also provide an escape from everyday worries and stressors while helping bring clarity.
23. Practice Silence
Silence can provide a sense of calm and clarity in the midst of a chaotic, busy life. Through intentional moments of silence, individuals can gain insight into their own thoughts and feelings, allowing them to better understand themselves and the world around them. Silence not only provides physical rest, but also an opportunity to explore one’s innermost thoughts and desires.
24. Practice Random Acts of Kindness
Practicing random acts of kindness can benefit both the giver and the receiver. It helps to strengthen relationships and build trust between people, while also providing comfort and joy. As a result, it has been shown to reduce stress levels and increase feelings of wellbeing in those who practice it regularly.
Random acts of kindness can be simple gestures such as smiling at strangers or offering support when someone needs it most. For example, helping an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping or donating money to charity are all ways to demonstrate kindness towards others. These small actions have a huge impact, not only on the recipient but also on ourselves by providing us with a sense of connection and understanding within our communities.
25. Use Daily Affirmations
Use Daily Affirmations to help you maintain a positive mindset about life. By setting aside some time each day to think, feel, and speak positive words, you can create a more positive attitude and increase your sense of wellbeing. Using daily affirmations is simple and easy — simply state aloud what you wish for yourself with confidence and enthusiasm.
Related Article: 85 Daily Affirmations to Change Your Negative Thoughts
26. Eliminate Toxicity
It is important to eliminate toxicity and negative influences from your life. Take a look around you to discover who and what is wasting your energy. Spiritual self care involves focusing on your inner peace and you can’t do this if you don’t rid yourself of the toxicity in your life. This practice helps promote a more positive outlook on life while also allowing us to focus on what truly matters instead of getting caught up in superficial and toxic issues.
27. Prioritize Peace of Mind
In today’s hectic world, everything feels like a rush. People find themselves constantly juggling work, leisure, and relationships. But it is essential to prioritize peace of mind first and foremost. Prioritizing peace of mind can help bring balance and harmony into your life — something that often gets lost in the hustle and bustle.
Prioritizing peace of mind can involve activities such as meditation, yoga or journaling — anything that helps you connect with your inner being or higher power. Doing so helps cultivate feelings of calmness and clarity which can then serve as a foundation for future decisions and actions taken throughout life.

Final Thoughts about Spiritual Self Care
As you can see, these spiritual self care ideas are simple activities that support your overall wellbeing. However, they also cultivate a way of living and mindset that allow you to connect to your highest self and live the life you want to live.
Together, they create a set of mindfulness practices that help you align with your most authentic self. They give you lots of opportunities to clearly hear your inner voice and what it’s telling you that your mind, body, and soul needs.
Always remember, your spiritual and emotional health are vitally important components to all aspects of your life. You cannot fool your body when your soul is not aligned and happy. Make sure you are caring for your mind, body, and soul.
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Love to ALL! ~ Susan