How to Show up for Yourself Today and Everyday
As women, we often put ourselves last. It’s almost ingrained in us to put others first — our family, our friends, our community projects, our jobs. Without realizing it, you forget to show up for yourself!
We are going to examine how to show up for yourself everyday in simple but powerful ways.

Learning to Live for Yourself
Do you show up for yourself the same way you show up for other people in your life? Usually not.
Prioritizing yourself can be very difficult. Especially as we move out of the pandemic and have to relearn new ways to move forward in life.
Our lives have been in turmoil for the past several years. We had to learn new ways of doing things and now we are learning new ways again. Now is a great time to learn how to show up for yourself.
If you can show up for yourself today and everyday, you’ll become the fabulous person you were meant to be. Showing up makes it easier to align with your purpose and passion.
Allow yourself the freedom to prioritize yourself. Give yourself that permission without feeling selfish or guilty.
What It Means to Show up for Yourself
What does showing up for yourself actually mean? Basically it means taking care of yourself in ways that protect your mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health.
It means making time for activities and habits that bring you joy and peace of mind. It can be anything that supports your health and wellness.
It can be taking a bubble bath, spending time with loved ones, going for a walk outside, or writing in your journal.
The key is to find time for what works for you — showing up for yourself looks different to different people. It’s a personal plan for helping you become the best version of yourself.
Showing up for yourself means you are sending your brain a message that YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Then it becomes a habit.
Don’t forget that showing up for yourself DOES NOT mean you are selfish. In fact, it’s just the opposite. You are becoming your best self so you have more to give to those around you. Lean into the self love movement in a way that makes your life and the lives of your loved ones better than ever.
Showing up for yourself is not just a trend. It’s a lifestyle — if you don’t show up for yourself, you can’t fully show up for anyone or anything else.

How to Show up for Yourself Today and Everyday
These are the best ways to show up for yourself on a daily basis:
1. Commit to Yourself
Address your own needs by developing an intentional daily self-care practice that supports your spiritual needs, physical health, and mental health. Self care needs to be a priority in the care of your overall emotional health and wellness. Take time out of each day to do something just for you even if it’s just a few minutes.
2. Stop the Negative Thoughts
You can often be your own worst critic, so stop the inner critic and negative self-talk. Simply put, stop being so hard on yourself! Develop a daily personal mantra that supports nothing but positive emotions and feelings. Practice positive self-talk and thoughts.
3. Build Supportive Relationships
Strong connections with people around you are important for your social health and wellbeing. You should have close friends, a romantic partner, a best friend, and others who provide you with unconditional love and emotional support. Toxic relationships need to be eliminated.
4. Become Your Own Advocate
Create a comfort zone around you where you feel safe and happy. Set healthy boundaries so toxic people can’t bring you down. Remember you are in charge of your own life. Stop being a people pleaser and learn how to stand up for yourself. Make time for a healthy self-care routine that supports your sense of self-worth. Don’t care what people think and protect your peace of mind.
5. Embrace Your Personal Development
Use a gratitude journal to focus on areas of your life that bring you happiness. Learn meditation and mindfulness. Develop and maintain a positive mindset. Take deep breaths — learn to Pause… Breathe… Relax when faced with a difficult situation. Use self-help books by self-help gurus such as The Art of Showing Up by Rachel Wilkerson Miller. There are so many ways you can actively partake in your personal growth and development.
6. Celebrate Yourself
Create a life where showing up for yourself is second nature in everyday life. Use and think only kind words about yourself. Have a party to celebrate yourself. You have lots of celebrate since you are showing up for yourself everyday! Celebrate your life with the people you love and keep being and doing YOU!
7. Connect with Your Authentic Self
Visualize your highest self and connect with your authentic self. This will help with your self-awareness, inner peace, positive mindset and so much more. Love yourself enough to dive deep into your soul and live your most authentic life. Learn to trust your intuition.
This list of ways to show up for yourself does not suggest you should feel guilty when you have a bad day, or face a personal crisis and get off track.
It just means that you are not living your life on autopilot and you are working to create the right balance in life. You are doing positive things that will have a huge impact on your future!

Final Thoughts
The only thing we can truly count on in life is CHANGE — so you simply cannot depend on others to show up for you. People come and go in your life so you need to show up for yourself! You are the only one you can truly depend on in life!
So no matter what happens in life, no matter what you learn along your journey — show up for yourself.
Good things are coming your way. Making the commitment to show up for yourself today and every day is the best decision you’ll ever make in your life.
Give yourself the same love, commitment, and time that you give to others because you are worthy! Use these ideas about how to show up for yourself and begin prioritizing yourself every day. You won’t be sorry.
Good luck! You’ve got this!
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- 87 Quotes to Inspire You to Always Prioritize Yourself
- 97 Spiritual Affirmations for Personal Growth and Wellness
- 15 Reasons to Fall in Love with Taking Care of Yourself
Love to ALL! ~ Susan
How Do You Show Up for Yourself Every Day?
Please share what works for you in the comment section below:)