cover image for empowering words for women with three empowered women standing in a line one behind the other smiling confidently at the camera

79 Strong Empowering Words for Women and Girls

We can use words for a variety of purposes, but the most precious and rewarding words we can use are words that empower girls and women everywhere. In this article, we will look at 79 of the most empowering words for women, as well as music and great quotes that empower women to have a positive healthy mindset.

We want to raise girls to be confident and empowered women as adults. Therefore, we should be using these words consistently among our friends and around our girls and teenagers. Empowering, inspirational quotes are also helpful to inspire girls and women to feel confident, strong, and capable.

Additionally, we find words of confidence and strength in songs that empower women. Some of the most popular female singers across all genres have released songs that empower women.

So let’s take a look at 79 empowering words for women, quotes, and songs that help women become and stay confident with a healthy mindset!

Empowering Words for Women

Before we move forward, let’s look at the definition of empower and empowerment. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of empower is 1: to give power to (someone); 2: to give official authority or legal power to (someone); 3: to promote the self-actualization or influence of.

The definition of empowerment is 1: the act or action of empowering someone or something; the granting of the power, right, or authority to perform various acts or duties and 2: the state of being empowered to do somethingthe power, right, or authority to do something.

In this article, we are referring to the concept of promoting self-actualization (fulfilling your highest potential) and the act of empowering someone (women and girls) to do amazing things!

empowering words for women written at the top of an image of six young girls standing on a shoreline with their left hands raised in the air like they are empowered
Words are powerful expressions of mindset and attitude toward self and others.

Feeling empowered is an essential part of personal growth and development. Empowerment helps us have the confidence to pursue our passions and desires so we can create a happy life and become the person we want to become.

Words can make a big difference in whether girls and women feel empowered or belittled, confident or weak, happy or sad. Consider this quote by Yehuda Berg:

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”

~ Yehuda Berg

With words having such tremendous power, we need to make a point of using words that empower girls and women!

79 Strong Empowering Words for Women and Girls

I spent a lot of time creating this list because I wanted to make sure the words I chose all had a positive connotation, or feeling. I was not looking for empowering words for women that are reflective of anger, hate, or contempt for others. Or words that can sometimes be used in a negative way. Or words that only focus on a woman’s appearance.

Women do not need to make others feel less-than in order to feel empowered. Some of the words I ran across while researching this article gave me a less-than warm feeling. They felt belittling to women, or others — words such as intimidating, entitled, provocative, dominating, bitchy, and righteous.

Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I believe empowering words for women do not need to be a reflection on others. Empowering words for women should be about women, for women, and by women. And they should make women feel good. This is the best way to empower women!

seven young women of varying shapes sizes and styles stand together confidently with their arms around each other smiling at the camera
It’s never too soon for girls to focus on supporting and empowering each other!

Many of these words are adjectives for strong women that reflect female empowerment. Which ones describe you?

  1. accomplished
  2. adventurous
  3. audacious
  4. ambitious
  5. amazing
  6. authentic
  7. brave
  8. brilliant
  9. blessed
  10. captivating
  11. compassionate
  12. clever
  13. classy
  14. charismatic
  15. comfortable
  16. confident
  17. consistent
  18. courageous
  19. creative
  20. curious
  21. delightful
  22. dedicated
  23. driven
  24. determined
  25. diligent
  26. dynamic
  27. engaging
  28. fearless
  29. feisty
  30. fierce
  31. free
  32. graceful
  33. glorious
  34. grateful
  35. happy
  36. healthy
  37. hero
  38. honest
  39. humble
  40. inquisitive
  41. inspirational
  42. intelligent
  43. intentional
  44. jubilant
  45. kind
  46. leader
  47. lovely
  48. masterful
  49. mindful
  50. motivated
  51. natural
  52. organized
  53. perceptive
  54. passionate
  55. polite
  56. positive
  57. powerful
  58. phenomenal
  59. protective
  60. purposeful
  61. radiant
  62. refined
  63. reflective
  64. sassy
  65. sensational
  66. sensitive
  67. smart
  68. social
  69. soulful
  70. spirited
  71. strong
  72. successful
  73. tough
  74. truthful
  75. unstoppable
  76. valuable
  77. visionary
  78. wise
  79. worthy

I wanted all women to be proud to feel empowered by these 79 words. This quote resonated with me because it relates to how I feel about empowerment.

“The more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.”

~ Emma Watson

You should not have to hate others to feel empowered. You should feel empowered from within because the women around you have given you confidence to have a positive mindset and a belief that you can be and do anything.

So if we all consistently use these positive, strong and empowering words for women on a regular basis, women everywhere should develop and maintain a sense of value, worth, and confidence.

two females study together in an outside wooded setting and smile at the camera confidently
There are a variety of ways women can empower each other with support and encouragement.

Women Empowerment Quotes

“I am a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman. That’s me.”

~ Maya Angelou

“Words have power. TV has power. My pen has power.”

~ Shonda Rhimes

 “I know my worth. I embrace my power. I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story. I will.”

~ Amy Schumer

“Women don’t need to find a voice, they have a voice, and they need to feel empowered to use it. And people need to be encouraged to listen.”

~ Meghan Markle

“Each person is born with very individual qualities and potential. We as a society owe it to women to create a truly supportive environment in which they too can grow and move forward.”

~ Princess Diana

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”

~ Serena Williams

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”

~ Mark Anthony

“I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.”

~ Alex Elle

“This is your moment. Own it.”

~ Oprah Winfrey

“If you’re one of those people who has that little voice in the back of her mind saying, ‘Maybe I could do [fill in the blank],’ don’t tell it to be quiet. Give it a little room to grow, and try to find an environment to grow in.”

~ Reese Witherspoon

For more inspiration about empowerment, please check out my Empowerment Quotes page. You will find 10 more empowering quotes for women along with beautiful images that I created with awhile ago.

empowering words for women printed in blue ink in a maze on ivory parchment paper with a pen laying next to it
Empowerment includes so many important concepts such as responsibility, initiative, attitude, mindset, leadership, personal growth, and confidence.

48 Empowering Songs for Women and Girls

Songs that Empower Women was one of the first articles I wrote for Sassy Sister Stuff. I have gone back and revised it and added to it since that time, but the songs mentioned in the article remain some of my all-time favorite empowering songs.

I especially love to listen to these songs in the shower and in the car when I am alone. They inspire me to feel positive, motivated, and confident. In other words — empowered!

This is the revised version of Songs That Empower Women with 48 of my favorite empowering songs performed by women to inspire and empower women everywhere!

words that empower women song list with 48 empowering songs for women by women
Updated List of Songs that Empower Women with so many empowering words for women. 11/26/21

Do you have favorite songs that help you feel empowered? Are your favorites on this list?

four confident and smiling women laying on the floor with their heads together facing alternate directions
Women everywhere should enjoy spending time together and empower each other with confidence, laughter, and encouragement.

Final Thoughts: Empowering Words for Women

Empowering words for women can be found in positive affirmations, inspirational quotes, songs, books, journals, blog articles, and many other places. But you can also empower women and girls by recognizing their accomplishments, focusing on positive attributes, and treating them with absolute love and respect.

You want to empower women and girls by reminding them of their worth, ability, and power. Women and girls should never doubt themselves or their abilities. Our words should help women and girls everywhere develop a positive, confident mindset.

We should be lifting one another up with our words. Empowering words for women empower women.

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But there is someone else I haven’t mentioned in this article yet — YOU — and you need empowering words for women, too!

The words you use about yourself, and to yourself, can empower you or hinder you. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in negative words or thoughts.

Remember, your brain learns to believe what you tell it. Tell your brain how amazing you are! Remind yourself that you matter, too! These 79 empowering words for women are about YOU, too!

confident blonde woman in a blue shirt in an office smiles at the camera feeling empowered
Use words wisely to empower each other in professional and personal settings.

Words and thoughts can help you become your BEST self and live your BEST life. Words help you find balance, motivation, and confidence. Save these words — look at these words — and think about these words — OFTEN.

Use these 79 empowering words for women to change how you talk to yourself, as well as other women, so you and others will develop and maintain a healthy mindset that allows you to feel empowered, confident, and happy.

And if you need more encouragement and support, read 17 Effective Ways to Maintain a Healthy Mindset. Here, you’ll find more information about learning to be confident, accepting, empowered, and positive.

I hope you’ve found some empowering words for women in this article! Save the article for days when you’re not feeling so confident to help you remember how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL YOU ARE!

Love to All! ~ Susan

79 Strong Empowering Words for Women and Girls: Which Are Your Favorite Empowering Words?

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