14 Feel Good Quotes (for Valentine’s Day and Everyday)

FEEL GOOD! Come on! Admit that you are SMILING at your screen! (I am! ??)
We all love feel good quotes any day of the year, but Valentine’s Day is a day when we especially want to feel loved, valued, warm, and happy. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THESE 14 FEEL GOOD QUOTES THIS FEBRUARY!
So even if you’re not where you want to be this weekend, or not with the people you want to be with, take a moment to focus on gratitude and feel the immense joy of being alive and valued – YOU ARE SPECIAL AND LOVED!
“Not every single day will be our best day, but we can find something to appreciate in every single day.”
You can find joy in the tiniest of treasures – think about the last time you saw a ladybug. Or the last time you happened upon a shiny new penny in the parking lot. Or even the last snowflake that you watched melt on your glove. Those are feel good moments, right? Just like feel good quotes… they are meant to make you SMILE.
Even on a bad day, look for the feel good moments. Sending you LOVE!

You may want to read my “Love Yourself Enough” post by clicking here for a gentle, loving reminder. It contains 7 more feel good quotes that will help you remember that YOU are special and loved!

This quote and graphic design originated from my own deep thoughts about LIFE during 2020. I saw all kinds of craziness happening in the world; there were times when it seemed impossible to get away from it. As I have often done throughout my life, I found myself writing as a way to organize my thoughts and stay grounded in what I knew was truly important.

This is a concept that I’ve had to learn over and over again during my life time. I created this graphic at a time when I needed a personal reminder to let go of yesterday and embrace what tomorrow has in store for me.
You may want to click here to read “Visualize Your Highest Self: How to Begin.” It is an exploration of how to connect with your authentic self so you can become the person you are meant to be.

I could not possibly do an article about feel good quotes without including my forever favorite quote!
In third grade, I did my first ever research report about Helen Keller and she has been an inspirational figure in my life ever since. Maybe I subconsciously decided to become a Special Educator back then.

I hope you’ve found as much pleasure, and had as many SMILES, as I have had in collecting, creating, and curating these feel good quotes.
Leave a comment below if any of them have resonated with you. It makes my heart happy to know I’ve brought a SMILE to someone today!

You may also enjoy my new Inspirational Quotes page here where there are beautiful graphics with quotes about LOVE and KINDNESS, GRATITUDE and GENEROSITY, SELF LOVE and HAPPINESS… and many more feel good quotes!
And for even more feel good quotes, you might want to visit one of my favorite magical quotes websites by Jane Lee Logan at Princess Sassy Pants.
Love to ALL! ~Susan