Practical Tips for Finding Calm in the Chaos
Are you seeking practical tips for finding calm in the chaos of your life? I have to practice the skill of staying calm and connecting with my inner self every single day! It’s not always easy!
We have all read self-help books, motivational blogs, inspirational words of wisdom, and more. However, finding calm in the chaos of the world today can still be challenging. It does not come naturally to most people, therefore, if you are like me, you have to practice the skill. Self-care practices often tend to find a place only after everything else in life, right?

What Does Finding Calm in the Chaos mean?
Calm in the chaos may have different meanings for different people. Here, I am addressing the ability to find inner peace and connect with your soul despite the chaos that may exist in the physical world around you. That’s where I struggle almost every day and need to practice.
It’s when I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, and stressed but I want to feel peace and contentment. Who doesn’t, right? But again, it takes practice.
Related Article: How to Protect Your Peace of Mind

How to Find Calm in the Chaos
Through self-reflection and practice over the years, I have developed some effective self-care practices that help me find calm in the chaos. These 5 tips are not earth-shatteringly new ideas, but they work for me and I hope they will give you some tips to consider.
Additional tips for improving your self-care habits can be found in another closely connected article, Visualize Your Highest Self: How to Begin. You can read it here.
Respond vs React

Until recently, I never gave much thought to the significant difference between a reaction and a response.
When a YouTube video came across my computer screen about the topic, it really struck me as brilliant.
Truthfully, as I listened to the YouTube video, I realized I was excellent with RESPONSES in my profession as an educator/administrator but alternately, I tended to REACT in my personal life. Why? It’s so much smarter and healthier to respond rather than react. Look at the definitions above. Think about it for a minute.
Thus, I began the process of practicing the skill of responding rather than reacting and it made my life much simpler amidst the chaos! And I feel much more in control of the chaos because I am responding rather than reacting. However, admittedly, it does take practice! But it definitely helps with finding calm in the chaos!
Reduce Multitasking
We all know multitasking has become a way of life today, so reducing it takes determination and practice! It seems like we could barely survive without multitasking anymore.
But, I’ve learned that if you slow down and stay present, be mindful of fewer things at one time, you will feel more in control. You will have more time (and mental energy) to connect with your higher self and stay in tune with your authentic spirit. Thus, you develop an improved sense of finding calm in the chaos. Give it a try!

Hop In The Shower
This is my absolute favorite tip! (Probably yours too, right?) I know it’s not always possible to stop what you’re doing and hop in the shower, but it sure is more possible than you think!
I’ve done it many times when the phone won’t stop ringing, when my brain won’t shut off, when people are constantly beckoning me, and even when the cats are running around like crazy. And you know what? While you are in the shower washing away all the physical and mental chaos around you, the world goes on. It does not stop. Dinner will wait. People will wait. Cats will go to sleep eventually.
It will all be there when you get out of the shower, but you will have a calm mind and body to better deal with the chaos. During your shower, focus on your five senses – smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. Be sure to keep your favorite aromatic shower supplies readily available. Smell the shower gel, feel the luffa on your skin, visualize your favorite place to be, think about your favorite food, hear the sounds of the water splashing over you. Let the water wash away the chaos!
Walk Away
This is the simplest tip! Do you ever find yourself physically in an overwhelmingly stressful situation and feel the need to run away? Often, we don’t because of the fear of what people will think. But you can feel your heartrate increase, sweat beginning to build up under your armpits, and your breathing become more difficult, right?
Think about the business meeting where people are complaining instead of being productive, or the family get-together where kids are running around the house because it’s raining outside.
You can get up and leave for a moment, right? Go to the bathroom! Everyone needs to use the bathroom sometimes! Or escape to your office or a bedroom for a few moments, to settle your mind.
Pause, Breathe, Relax
This one is easy. You can do it without even leaving the chaos! Shut down your mind momentarily… pause… count… breathe deeply… (really breathe, feel it deep throughout your entire body)… then breathe out and relax your body. Visualize the parts of your body relaxing from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. I have admittedly done this is in strange places!

If you would like more information about relaxation, you can read my post about The Benefits of Regular Massage here.
Final Thoughts | Finding Calm in the Chaos
Finding calm in the chaos goes beyond just taking a break from the chaos. It requires an attitude of self care and self love. You need to recognize when your mind and body need to reconnect with your inner self – your soul, your authentic self – to find your place of peace and contentment. This will take you to a place of calm, resilience, strength, and most of all, compassion, all wrapped up in self-love.
Finding calm in the chaos should also help lead you toward a happy, cozy lifestyle where you and your loved ones live in a space of peace and contentment. There is no reason to live a chaotic, complex life if you make some positive changes for yourself.
For additional self love ideas, you can read Making a Case for Positive Selfishness here.
Love to all! ~ Susan
P.S. If you are struggling to remain calm and unstressed at work, you may find some tips in this article about 7 ways successful people stay calm at work.